With the Brain1stTM Approach - Type I diabetes stabilized with less insulin, the eating, mood, insomnia and other symptoms resolved. Patient has achieved brain-body balance/homeostasis and become socially and occupationally successful.
The Brain1stTM Approach - Three medications were required to achieve brain-body balance: the first to normalize his fast pulse rate, one to stabilize his mood and one to reverse the slowing in his EEG. The narcotic craving ceased, he became mentally stable and able to maintain long-term sobriety. With access to his normal cognitive potential, he has successfully completed several years of college with academic distinction.
The Brain1stTM Approach - EEG/QEEG data showed excessive alpha and theta activities, indicating that two medications were required to achieve brain-body balance. The first improved attention by reducing anxiety, and the second sustained concentration. The outcome is that his academic achievement greatly improved from less to better than average without adverse effects.
Brain1stTM Approach - EEG abnormal: High-voltage posterior slowing. Amino acid (L-tyrosine) achieved brain-body balance. Outcome: Mutilating behavior, insomnia, sleepwalking and worrying resolved.
Brain1stTM Approach - MAOI anti-depressant (Selegiline) improved symptoms for two years and was discontinued; another MAOI (Tranylcypromine) normalized blood pressure, sleep and eliminated headaches.
Brain1stTM Approach - Able to discontinue acid reflux medication. 2000 mg D/L-Phenylanine, 1000 mg L-Tyrosine. Symptoms resolved, sleeps through night, academic and social abilities improved.
Brain1stTM Approach - An adrenaline down regulator normalized the pulse within two hours. Antipsychotic and antidepressant medications were eliminated and his need for insulin decreased. One year and 9 months from initial consultation, his pulse and blood pressure remained stable, was markedly improved, working and leading a productive life.
Brain1stTM Approach - His core problem was inattention. Since his visual EEG and QEEG were abnormally slow, he was prescribed an amphetamine to up-regulate dopamine and nor-adrenaline. An amphetamine is considered contraindicated by current psychiatric guidelines; however, he has developed into a physically and mentally stabile adult who is resuming an education.
Brain1stTM Approach - Sleep and academic abilities normalized with two medications; one that increased brain adrenaline and nor-adrenaline and reduced these compounds in the body and a second agent that increased dopamine and nor-adrenaline in the brain and body. He became more alert, his cognition improved to within normal limits and he was excelling in his learning disabled class.
*Pascual-Marqui R, Michel C, Lehmann D. Low resolution electromagnetic tomography: a new method for localizing electrical activity in the brain. Int J Psychophysiol. 1994;18:49-65.
Talairach J. Co-planar Stereotaxic Atlas of the Human Brain. New York, NY: Thieme Medical; 1988.
February 2022
The Emory Neurophysiologic Institute releases Dr. Emory’s documentary “Brain 1st™ - An Integrative Approach to Psychiatric Disorders,”
Watch here
To Inquire/Order a copy of Dr. Emory's book “Hard to Swallow: From Superstition to Psychiatry,” that details his important research click here:
October 2020
Check out Dr. Emory's Appearance on Talking to Earthlings with Lunakye.
January 2020
Check out Dr. Emory’s Blog and Emory Institute updates at www.emoryinstitute.org.
Stay tuned for upcoming information regarding Dr. Emory’s Book and Documentary.
December 2017
April 2017
Lecture: Inclusive Medical Approach with EEG & QEEG Features Predict Catecholamine Response in Idiopathic Genetic Epilepsies (IGE);
SBMT Annual Meeting, Los Angeles Millennial Biltmore, April 18, 2017
Lecture: Neuroplasticity in Medical Illnesses and Psychiatric Syndromes;
SBMT Annual Meeting, Los Angeles Millennial Biltmore, April 20, 2017
November 2016
Glycaemic Co<
(Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Research Disease. DOI: 10.1177/1479164116675492)
March 2016
Monoamine Oxidase Inhibition in a Patient With Type I Diabetes and Depression Emory H. and Mizrahi, N, //
(Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. DOI: 10.1177/1932296816638106)
January 2016
Dr. Hamlin Emory Speaks in Washington State - Finding and Fixing Unrecognized Brain Differences
Fall 2015
Actor Dick Van Dyke publishes a book entitled, "Keep Moving and Other Tips and Truths About Aging," in which he describes his
treatment by Dr. Hamlin Emory.
Spring 2015
Quantitative EEG and Current Source Density Analysis of Combined Antiepileptic Drugs and Dopaminergic Agents in Genetic
Epilepsy W. Hamlin Emory, Christopher Wells and Neptune Mizrahi. // (Accepted for publication Spring 2015)