Q. When can I have an electro-encephalogram or EEG?
A. EEGs are performed during normal office hours, preferably in the morning; however, occasionally we may accommodate a special request.

Q. Is it necessary to have an EEG?
A. Yes. Dr. Emory's medical approach relies on each patient's anomalous physical findings and EEG data to determine which medicinal agents will improve each person's brain function.

Q. If another doctor or medical center has done an EEG, can Dr. Emory use it?
A. It is beneficial for Dr. Emory to examine a new patient's prior EEG or EEGs. Yet, a visual EEG record of a person's brainwaves isn't sufficient for personalizing the selection of medication. This is why Dr. Emory carefully edits each new patient's visual EEG to remove or minimize muscle and eye movement artifacts before transforming the tracing into QEEG measures.

Q. Does an EEG hurt or cause a shock?
A. No. We suggest that you view the slideshow of an EEG procedure in the "Assessment Method" Section of this website. An EEG senses cortical brain activity that is detected on the scalp. EEG electrodes are made of a soft, water soluble gel and can be washed from the hair if any portion remains after the study. Nothing goes through the scalp or skull into the brain.

Q. Can my child have an EEG?
A. Patients must be at least 8 years old to have a quantified EEG study, because the primary QEEG database we use is valid for children age 8 or more and also includes adolescents and adults. Parents are welcome to be in the room with their child during the study. When a child has to move or stretch, we allow short breaks during the study so we can obtain the needed EEG data.

Q. What about the elderly, such as grandparents or great-grandparents?
A. Our primary EEG/QEEG database quantifies EEG data on persons up to eighty-five years of age.

Q. How much time is required to complete an EEG?
A. Our usual EEG procedure is only 20 minutes in duration, but the entire EEG study may require from 1 to 1.5 hours. Preparation times in the lab vary, mostly due to differences in persons' hair which make placing the EEG electrodes easier or more difficult.

Q. May I sleep during the EEG?
A. We ask you to remain awake during the study. We can identify if a person is becoming drowsy and will assist them in remaining awake. To obtain accurate baseline or initial, medicated EEG data, it is important that you sleep the night before the study or at least rest as much as possible.

Q. What do I do with my hair before the EEG? Do I need to shave or cut it?
A. You do not need to cut or shave your hair, but you do need to wash it with shampoo and completely dry it. Do not use any conditioner or any hair products such as gel, mousse or hairspray. These can prevent or inhibit electrodes from adhering to the scalp. If you have dreadlocks, extensions or braids, you must take them out before the test.

Q. Do I need to bring a hairbrush to the EEG?
A. Yes. You will be asked to bring a brush to the lab to use before the study. Brushing your scalp just prior to the EEG study sloughs any dead skin cells you missed earlier that day and improves contact between the electrodes and skin. If you do not bring your brush, you may use one of the lab's brushes that are kept in a sterilizing solution. Even if you are bald or have short hair, you ought to bring a brush. Remember, the purpose is to brush your scalp, not your hair.

Q. I have piercings and jewelry. Must they be removed before the EEG?
A. Metal that is above the neck, such as on the ear lobes, should be disclosed. It may or may not need to be removed. If EEG electrodes touch or are influenced by metal, the data will be distorted. It is important to remove earrings and necklaces prior to the test. If you have ear studs that must be professionally removed, this must be done prior to coming in for the test.

Q. May I eat or drink before the EEG study?
A. Yes, but avoid any dietary supplements that artifact EEG data. We can inform you what they are. On the day of your EEG you should refrain from intake of coffee, tea or other liquid that contains caffeine.

Q. Why can't I take over-the-counter medication before the EEG study?
A. Over-the-counter agents such as pain or allergy medications alter the EEG signal and artifact QEEG data. Some remain in the body for days or weeks after discontinuation. To obtain accurate measures of your brain's electrical activity, we ask you to discontinue any over the counter agents for a sufficient time to assure they aren't altering your brain activity. If you have a question about something you are taking or want to take, ask our staff.

Q. What about herbal supplements?
A. Unless Dr. Emory instructs you to continue a compound, any substance which changes brain function should be discontinued prior to the EEG study so that it has no effect on your brain activity. This includes amino acids, essential oils, herbal supplements, inhalers and nasal sprays. Before your first consult with Dr. Emory, we ask you to list all naturopathic, homeopathic and allopathic agents you ingest. Dr. Emory and his staff will explain how to reduce and discontinue an agent that will compromise your QEEG data. He will also advise what you may continue that won't affect your QEEG data.

Q. Is it okay for me to have a drink, a beer or a glass of wine the night before the EEG study?
A. You should not consume ANY alcohol for three days before the study. Alcohol changes brain function and will impair the accuracy of your EEG data. This includes inhalers, nasal sprays and other compounds - either legal or illegal - that change brain function.

Q. What if I am late or forget about my EEG study?
A. Plan to arrive early. If your late arrival prevents us from attending to the needs of other patients, you will have to reschedule. If you miss your study without giving a 48 hour notice, you will be billed for the technician's and the doctor's time.

Q. What types of EEG/QEEG does Dr. Emory need in his practice?
A. Since most medications change brain activity, the most efficient way to benefit from Dr. Emory's approach is to have a baseline EEG/QEEG so there is no distortion by medication(s) and later have a follow-up, medicated EEG/QEEG to compare with the first. This is the only objective way to know if a treatment has improved a patients' neurophysiology and achieved brain-body balance.

Q. What if I am already using medication and can't stop?
A. Persons who cannot discontinue medication qualify for an initial, medicated EEG/QEEG, Dr. Emory has extensive clinical experience with such patients and can derive useful data with this approach; however, this way usually requires an additional EEG/QEEG study.

Q. What benefits do persons experience from Dr. Emory's approach?
A. Dr. Emory's medical approach is directed to achieve Brain-Body-Balance:
  • Treatment is consistent with the way the human brain works
  • Treatment is personalized
  • Brain-Body-Balance is the prerequisite of good health and mental well-being.
  • Assisted self healing so each patient's brain will automatically balance itself and the body 24/7
  • Only works on the automatic or instinctive brain circuits, not changing your mind.
  • Normalizing instinctive brain circuits may resolve persistent distress
  • This method does not impair a person's mind, talent, skills and/or artistry
  • Dr. Emory's approach is like self-healing but it is physician assisted self-healing so that the Brain-Body-Balance resolves symptoms and the need for adaptive behaviors that cause stigma

Dr. Emory's clinical EEG research and patient-centric approach has taught him that although healthy persons enjoy predictable physical and mental wellbeing, persons with a persistent mental disorder do not have such capacity.

He eventually realized that persons with a brain based mental disorder find ways to relieve the misery of a neurobiological variance or abnormality.

Persistent substance abuse, bingeing, purging, restricting food, obsessions, compulsions, self-mutilation, habitual aggression and/or violence, etc. are behaviors that change neurophysiology.

If a behavior - even a maladaptive behavior temporarily improves a variant or abnormal neurophysiology, the behavior is reinforced and can become habitual.

Latest News

February 2022

The Emory Neurophysiologic Institute releases Dr. Emory’s documentary “Brain 1st™ - An Integrative Approach to Psychiatric Disorders,”
Watch here

To Inquire/Order a copy of Dr. Emory's book “Hard to Swallow: From Superstition to Psychiatry,” that details his important research click here:

October 2020

Check out Dr. Emory's Appearance on Talking to Earthlings with Lunakye.

January 2020

Check out Dr. Emory’s Blog and Emory Institute updates at
Stay tuned for upcoming information regarding Dr. Emory’s Book and Documentary.

December 2017

Appearance: Dr. Hamlin Emory appears in Documentary Series The Menendez Murders: Erik Tells All, Season 1, Episode 3;

April 2017

Lecture: Inclusive Medical Approach with EEG & QEEG Features Predict Catecholamine Response in Idiopathic Genetic Epilepsies (IGE);
SBMT Annual Meeting, Los Angeles Millennial Biltmore, April 18, 2017

Lecture: Neuroplasticity in Medical Illnesses and Psychiatric Syndromes;
SBMT Annual Meeting, Los Angeles Millennial Biltmore, April 20, 2017

November 2016

Glycaemic Co< (Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Research Disease. DOI: 10.1177/1479164116675492)

March 2016

Monoamine Oxidase Inhibition in a Patient With Type I Diabetes and Depression Emory H. and Mizrahi, N, // (Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. DOI: 10.1177/1932296816638106)

January 2016

Dr. Hamlin Emory Speaks in Washington State - Finding and Fixing Unrecognized Brain Differences

Fall 2015

Actor Dick Van Dyke publishes a book entitled, "Keep Moving and Other Tips and Truths About Aging," in which he describes his treatment by Dr. Hamlin Emory.

Spring 2015

Quantitative EEG and Current Source Density Analysis of Combined Antiepileptic Drugs and Dopaminergic Agents in Genetic Epilepsy W. Hamlin Emory, Christopher Wells and Neptune Mizrahi. // (Accepted for publication Spring 2015)

Patient Testimonials