General FAQ
Q. What happens at the initial appointment?
A. The initial appointment usually requires an hour, during which Dr. Emory reviews a patient's symptoms and concerns, medical history, comprehensive physical systems, any emotional distress and cognitive inefficiencies. Dr. Emory may order certain lab values to rule out a medical diagnosis that could make the initial EEG inaccurate. An individual who is not consuming medication will likely be able to schedule a baseline EEG in the same or following week. Dr. Emory will allow some patients to have an initial EEG with their medication, but each person's circumstance is individualized. If a medication ought to be discontinued before the EEG, Dr. Emory can help most patients accomplish this without undue discomfort.

Q. How frequent are the medical follow-up appointments after the first EEG?
A. Dr. Emory requests the minimal frequency of follow-up appointments that can assure quality medical care for each patient. Some patients are physically and emotionally unstable at their initial consult and require reduction and discontinuation of medication. Such persons may need to be monitored several times a week for a week or two; others may require weekly appointments. As a patient improves, their medical follow-ups occur less frequently: monthly, every other month, every 3 or 4 months.

Q. Is it necessary to have an EEG?
A. Yes. Dr. Emory's Brain1stTM method relies on each patient's EEG pattern and quantitative EEG [qEEG] measures to understand their clinical findings and personalize their treatment.

Q. Does Dr. Emory use naturopathic as well as
     allopathic medications?
A. Yes; in fact, Dr. Emory's knowledge of EEG & qEEG
biosignatures allows him to predict a patient's
likelihood of responding to naturopathic and
allopathic agents. Dr. Emory personalizes
each patient's regimen to obtain the optimal
outcome with the least risk. He is not
biased toward either approach.
Sometimes he advises a
combination of medicinal types.
Latest News

February 2022

The Emory Neurophysiologic Institute releases Dr. Emory’s documentary “Brain 1st™ - An Integrative Approach to Psychiatric Disorders,”
Watch here

To Inquire/Order a copy of Dr. Emory's book “Hard to Swallow: From Superstition to Psychiatry,” that details his important research click here:

October 2020

Check out Dr. Emory's Appearance on Talking to Earthlings with Lunakye.

January 2020

Check out Dr. Emory’s Blog and Emory Institute updates at
Stay tuned for upcoming information regarding Dr. Emory’s Book and Documentary.

December 2017

Appearance: Dr. Hamlin Emory appears in Documentary Series The Menendez Murders: Erik Tells All, Season 1, Episode 3;

April 2017

Lecture: Inclusive Medical Approach with EEG & QEEG Features Predict Catecholamine Response in Idiopathic Genetic Epilepsies (IGE);
SBMT Annual Meeting, Los Angeles Millennial Biltmore, April 18, 2017

Lecture: Neuroplasticity in Medical Illnesses and Psychiatric Syndromes;
SBMT Annual Meeting, Los Angeles Millennial Biltmore, April 20, 2017

November 2016

Glycaemic Co< (Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Research Disease. DOI: 10.1177/1479164116675492)

March 2016

Monoamine Oxidase Inhibition in a Patient With Type I Diabetes and Depression Emory H. and Mizrahi, N, // (Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. DOI: 10.1177/1932296816638106)

January 2016

Dr. Hamlin Emory Speaks in Washington State - Finding and Fixing Unrecognized Brain Differences

Fall 2015

Actor Dick Van Dyke publishes a book entitled, "Keep Moving and Other Tips and Truths About Aging," in which he describes his treatment by Dr. Hamlin Emory.

Spring 2015

Quantitative EEG and Current Source Density Analysis of Combined Antiepileptic Drugs and Dopaminergic Agents in Genetic Epilepsy W. Hamlin Emory, Christopher Wells and Neptune Mizrahi. // (Accepted for publication Spring 2015)

Patient Testimonials