The Clinical Neuroscience Supporting Dr. Emory's Method:

Dr. Emory's medical EEG/QEEG research has identified diverse brain variations in persons who suffer with persistent mental, substance dependence and developmental/learning disorders. Such brain variations are typically not seen by visual EEG inspection. The result is these data are not considered in current medical, psychiatric and psychological practices. Dr. Emory is the world's most experienced physician in an emerging field that combines clinical medicine, neurology and neuropsychiatry.

  • The above pre-treatment EEGs are from three anorexic patients after nutritional restoration.
  • Each was classified as anorexic, but their brainwave activity was different.
  • Different brainwave activity means their neurophysiologies were different.
  • Each patient's EEG/QEEG data were linked with those of similar patients whose effective medical outcomes were known.
  • Psychiatry treats anorexic behaviors in a standard way; however, these diverse EEGs reveal that their neurobiology was different and required individualized treatment.
  • The conclusion is that symptoms and behaviors are inadequate for prescribing medication.

  • Dr. Emory's method is patient centered and includes any emotional, mental and physical concerns that relate to a person's distress.
  • Dr. Emory's clinical procedure collects the usual subjective information about each patient, but also adds objective data.
  • Clinical Procedures:

    • Conduct a comprehensive, medical history
    • Relevant physical examination and monitoring of any atypical physical signs and physical findings
    • Mental status and cognitive assessment
    • Individualized laboratory values as indicated
  • Technical Procedures:

    • Obtain a baseline unmedicated EEG and quantitative EEG for analysis.
    • Identify how a new patient's brainwaves differ from people the same age who have no symptoms.
    • Dr. Emory uses each patient's physical findings and EEG/QEEG data to deduce the likely brain-body variation that is causing distress.
  • Medical Treatment Selection:

    • Dr. Emory uses his extensive EEG/QEEG database to identify medications that are known to improve the physiologic outcome of patients with similar physical findings and EEG/QEEG data.
    • Dr. Emory prescribes medication(s) by analogic reasoning (similar physical findings and similar QEEG likely indicates similar neuro-physiology) that are likely to improve each person's brain activity.
    • Dr. Emory monitors a patient's progress toward Brain-Body-Balance and mental wellbeing.
    • Side effects indicate that a medication is incompatible with individual physiology. In such cases Dr. Emory replaces the medication for one which is better suited.
  • Follow-up:

    • Monitor the resolution of each patient's initial concerns, physical findings and problematic behaviors.
    • A follow-up EEG/QEEG with medication shows the effect of medical treatment on each patient's Brain-Body-Balance.
Latest News

February 2022

The Emory Neurophysiologic Institute releases Dr. Emory’s documentary “Brain 1st™ - An Integrative Approach to Psychiatric Disorders,”
Watch here

To Inquire/Order a copy of Dr. Emory's book “Hard to Swallow: From Superstition to Psychiatry,” that details his important research click here:

October 2020

Check out Dr. Emory's Appearance on Talking to Earthlings with Lunakye.

January 2020

Check out Dr. Emory’s Blog and Emory Institute updates at
Stay tuned for upcoming information regarding Dr. Emory’s Book and Documentary.

December 2017

Appearance: Dr. Hamlin Emory appears in Documentary Series The Menendez Murders: Erik Tells All, Season 1, Episode 3;

April 2017

Lecture: Inclusive Medical Approach with EEG & QEEG Features Predict Catecholamine Response in Idiopathic Genetic Epilepsies (IGE);
SBMT Annual Meeting, Los Angeles Millennial Biltmore, April 18, 2017

Lecture: Neuroplasticity in Medical Illnesses and Psychiatric Syndromes;
SBMT Annual Meeting, Los Angeles Millennial Biltmore, April 20, 2017

November 2016

Glycaemic Co< (Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Research Disease. DOI: 10.1177/1479164116675492)

March 2016

Monoamine Oxidase Inhibition in a Patient With Type I Diabetes and Depression Emory H. and Mizrahi, N, // (Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. DOI: 10.1177/1932296816638106)

January 2016

Dr. Hamlin Emory Speaks in Washington State - Finding and Fixing Unrecognized Brain Differences

Fall 2015

Actor Dick Van Dyke publishes a book entitled, "Keep Moving and Other Tips and Truths About Aging," in which he describes his treatment by Dr. Hamlin Emory.

Spring 2015

Quantitative EEG and Current Source Density Analysis of Combined Antiepileptic Drugs and Dopaminergic Agents in Genetic Epilepsy W. Hamlin Emory, Christopher Wells and Neptune Mizrahi. // (Accepted for publication Spring 2015)

Patient Testimonials